Engagement is defined as “the extent to which an employee commits to work or
something in the organisation, how hard he/she works and stays in the
organisation out of that commitment” [SHRM] However, we often use the word
Employee Engagement interchangeably with Job Satisfaction and measure the
employee’s engagement level. Job Satisfaction is basically how the employee
feels about the nature of work he/she is doing, work environment, pay or benefits.
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Source: http://www.peopleinsight.co.uk/ |
exists a relationship between organisational strategy and employee engagement.
It has been researched and proved that employees who are engaged in an
organisation perform better and as a result contribute more towards the
business strategy. Engaged employees work harder, are more loyal and likely to
go extra mile towards the organisational objectives. They believe in the vision
and mission of the organisation. The engagement of an employee is ‘Emotional’
i.e. how they believe about the company or the leadership and ‘Behavioural’.
This behavioural factor is shown as how much effort the employee is putting
towards the organisation which can be in terms of energy or time.
while talking about the Employee Engagement, we should start differentiating
between Engaged Employee and Actively Disengaged Employee. Engaged employees
work towards the goals of the company while actively disengaged employees just
come to the company and are more busy on acting out their unhappiness.
what SHRM describes, the levers of Engagement can be characterised by Vigour,
Dedication and Absorption. Vigour means filled with high energy and passion,
Dedication refers to a sense of pride and inspiration towards work and
Absorption defines the feeling of happiness and engrossed in the work without
being detached. Employee Engagement is
greatly influenced by the reputation of the organisation, its culture and also
its internal communication. Internal communication is essential as the
employees especially Gen Y believe in the values of trust and transparency as
discussed in my earlier blog. It is often believed that ‘Culture’ is a soft
lever. However, employees are far more engaged where there is a culture of
innovation, job enrichment and safety. Culture is established through the
organisation’s reward and recognition programs, its policies on work-life
balance and the opportunities it provides for the career development and
growth. Engagement is heavily dependent
on the Manager-Employee relationship as it is widely said “Employees don’t
leave organisation, they leave managers.” The managers create the bridge
between the employee and the organisation.
the question arises that how do we measure the employee engagement?
are widely using employee satisfaction surveys, focus group discussions and
surveys. Out of these Gallup’s Q12 is the favourite and widely used employee
engagement indicator tool. The common themes that are used for employee
engagement measurement are: Job Satisfaction, Pride of working with the current
employer, Learning and Development, Reward Programs, Relationship with the
Manager, Understanding of the organisation’s Vision & Mission and Intention
to Stay in the organisation.
discussed in earlier blog Employer Branding plays a pivotal role in attracting
the right talent. With the Gen Y workforce, organisations have to create more
employee friendly and innovative workplace culture along with emphasising more
on the so called softer elements of HR viz work life balance, job quality,
flexibility, diversity, career pathing and freedom at workplace. These are the
new factors which have to be accounted for getting the right talent and the
engaged employees.
the Doctors, HR Managers should keep on checking the pulse of their employees
so that they get to know the probable gaps which need to be filled before these
gaps collapse and lead to attrition.
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